
Project Overview

Antdroid is a hexapod robot I designed, manufactured, coded, and documented during a semester-long course at Duke. The design constraints required there to be no wheels and a maximum of 8 motors. By the end of the semester, our robot was expected to dance and then compete in a race. Antdorid was entirely 3D printed, developed over the span of 6 prototypes, required biweekly presentations, and a few all nighters.

Technical Details

Hardware Components

  • Raspberry pi 4B+
  • PYLX16 A motors
  • LewanSoul Serial Bus Servo Controller Board
  • TalentCell 12V 3000mAh Rechargeable battery
  • 10A Stepdown DC to DC Buck Converter


  • Python
  • C++


  • Ultimaker 3D-Printers
  • Solidworks
  • Cura

Initial Concept and Design

Concept Image ant

During this robot design class, I was also taking constructal design theory taught by Adrian Bejan. Professor Bejan’s class focused on empiricism lead design and inspired us to question nature when tackling an engineering problem. Wanting to trial this style of thought, I drew inspirations from two incredible walking species, the ant and the centipede. I love how the centipede moves its legs. The stepping process of each individual leg is hypnotic and the fact that feet stay on the ground while others are moving means I would have a stable gait pattern. The ant’s three main body structures were especially appealing as I did not want lack of space to hinder any part of the design. Each compartment was devised to be a large open volume, enabling simple wire management and ample room for electronics.

Isometric Drawing of Antdroid
Isometric Drawing

This image depicts the first rough sketch of Antroid. I decided on a hexapod as six motors would be used for legs and two would be used for movement of the body sections. Beyond motor placement, the rest of the design came from me imagining what an organic shaped robot would resemble.

Top View Drawing of Antdroid
Top View Drawing

Drawing to scale allowed me to dial in the placement of each component required to make Antroid functional. I had still not flushed out the motor placement as I was still brainstorming how I wanted the motors to move the legs. Regardless, I knew where the motors would sit so this thought work could be done at a later time.

Side View Drawing of Antdroid
Side View Drawing

Knowing that the body will be 3D printed, I opted to design a flat bottom for manufacturing simplicity. The height was determined based off of the battery. I wanted a little of the battery to poke out so that grabbing and turing it off would be simple and straight forward.

Moveable View Drawing of Antdroid
Moveable Section Drawing

Due to the eight motor limitation, my head and rear sections were only going to have one degree of freedom. I rejected this notion of limitation so began plans to create a housing for the motors that could be manually spun to allow for up and down motor movement or side to side depending on the set orientation and mission requirements.

Iterative Development Process

Picture of ellipse movement
Prototype of Elliptical Movement

My original drawn design of the legs would limit their movement to one dimension, swinging the leg forward and backward. Immediately I knew this would create issues. A small obstacle on the ground in front of Antdroid would prove debilitating.

Going back to the drawing board I began brainstorming how I could make the legs “step” but only use one single motor. The major breakthrough in this brainstorming process was thinking about the shape I wanted the legs to trace. Going down the rabbit hole of linkages, I considered a complex design like their Jensen linkage but eventually decided to use the elliptical drive design. This link shows the video that inspired the leg movement design.

This movement design constrains an elliptical pattern with its arm which is perfect for stepping over obstacles. To add on, only one motor is required and can rigidly be constructed using control rods. Thankfully, Antroid was already sculpted in a way that allowed for the control rods and movement pieces to be integrated into the CAD with minimal redesign.

Many iterations were required to perfect this design. The ever changing print qualities made for tolerancing nightmares and the range of press fit vs. slide fit tolerances further complicated the manufacturing process. Many of these problems were alleviated by printing undersized holes and then precisely drilling out the hole with a bit. This however only worked in the locations a drill could reach which was not every part.

Front access panel
Modular Attachments

Our professor continually harped on the importance of creating modular components to our robot. Because of the large sections and flat base, creating a simple rectangular base plate with four threaded inserts in the corner was quite simple. Now, electronic upgrades and battery size changes require a quick print of the modular section instead of the entire body.

Magnetic Front Panel

Continuing ease of access, the front panels of the forward and rear sections are designed to be completely removable. Using an array of small magnets, these organic panels sit flush with the body and are incredibly simple to remove. Removing the entire front panel allows for easy access to the Raspberry Pi, modular sections, and motor controller.

section mobility
Section Mobility

The connecting pieces between the sections of the robot proved more tedious than anticipated and taught me an important lesson of not spending too much time on non critical components. You can always return to an innovative, riskier idea, but ensure a minimal viable product is accomplished first.

The section mobility section evolved from designing a rotatable piece that would lock with spring loaded pins, to a magnetic interaction design that would snap the motor into precise orientations, to finally needing to scrap the rotatable mechanism while walking and install pins that rigidly attached the body together.

Image antdroid
First Fully Assembled Prototype

By the end of this project, I had created six prototypes of antroid. I am proud to show however that compared to the first drawing, not much of antroid change aesthetically. The major prototype milestones are as listed.

Challenges and Failures

Reflections and Takeaways

Supporting Materials